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Sunday, December 1, 2019

How to build an awesome resume worthy for Google, Facebook or Amazon?

You have completed your education or you are near the end of your final session. Now, you are ready to apply for jobs in top tech firms. The common dilemma among several aspiring job applicants is: How do I start? Well, the first step is by crafting a fantastic resume. The famous saying ‘First impression is the last impression’ turns out to be quite true when you apply for jobs. Your first impression is the resume. The presentation of your resume, along with the credentials, will make it stand out among the thousands of applications that tech firms receive. The competition is extremely high, and you must have everything in your favour to get to the interview level. Here are some of the ways in which you can make your resume stand out:
  1. Resume length
Your resume should not be more than one page. Recruiters have limited time, and they will always prefer brief and concise resumes. If your resume is long, the chances are that the recruiters will just shove it away and pick up the next one.
  1. Making it readable
Just opting for a concise resume will not work. Cluttered and unattractive resumes will put off the recruiter instantly. So, increase the readability of your resume by proper spacing, bullet points, and using an appropriate font. However, do not make it too extravagant. Find a balance to keep the resume attractive and informative.
  1. Sections
Your resume should be divided into several brief sections: Contact Information, Education, Work Experience, Personal Projects, Skills and Interests, and finally, Honors and Awards (if any). Out of these, Personal Projects might be the one section that attracts the recruiter most, so, ensure that you add it.
  • Contact Information: The contact information should be next to your name and should be easy to spot. Your name should be placed at the top of the resume. Then, you should put your phone number, address, email, and social media links like Facebook and LinkedIn.
  • Education: The education section should be brief and should list your education in descending order. If you are a graduate, then you should first place your most recent college education (related to technology). If you have any additional certificates, list them properly after your college education. If you are still a student, then mention that you are still pursuing a specific course. This shows that you are willing to learn more. However, only include the courses which are related to the job you are applying for. A course in ‘English Language’ will not help if you are going for a technical position.
  • Work Experience: The recruiter will not focus on all kinds of work experiences that you might have. So, it’s always better to enumerate those kinds of work experiences which show that you are suitable as a software engineer or a good coder. Mention the firms you worked for and your job position in them. Also, list the achievements under every job title. If you do not have any work experience, then you can skip this section and go for the Personal Projects section.
  • Personal Projects: This section is quite unique for software engineers. In this section, you have the freedom to include many independent projects that you have undertaken besides your college projects. This could include Python scripts, a working web page, developing a mobile application, etc. The more personal projects you add, the more creative you will appear to the recruiter. It shows that you are willing to take the initiative and build something independently.
  • Skills: In this section, you can add key technical words and skills asked in the job description. The more skills you add, the higher will be your chances of getting recruited. Only add the skills relevant to the job position that you are applying for. However, don’t just randomly add whatever skills you find in the job description. You will be questioned on each of the skills that you mention.  
  • Honors and Awards: You have included all the relevant credentials in your resume. Now, it’s time to back them up with some awards and honors. If you have received any scholarships or awards in the technical field, this is the section where you mention them. It will make you appear as a reliable and high-performing individual.
So, while you are crafting your resume, keep these important pointers in mind. Let your powerful resume speak for you and you can expect a call for Google, Facebook, or Amazon at any moment! Keep your fingers crossed. 

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